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05 February 2014

At this years Health and Safety Event DuPont, specialists in innovative body protection, will showcase its latest products and protective solutions including their new Type 3 chemical garments from the DuPont Tyvek and DuPont Tychem portfolio and exhibited for the first time in the UK. Neil Sutherland, Account Manager for DuPont Personal Protection, will also be sharing his knowledge of chemical protection as part of the show’s conference programme.

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03 February 2014

Hand protection specialist Polyco has introduced five new gloves to the market all of which will be on show at The Health & Safety Event.

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03 February 2014

Santia Consulting will be launching its Fire Risk Assessment Practitioners Course in March so that health and safety professionals are competent to carry out detailed fire risk assessments.

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27 January 2014

At this year's Health and Safety Event Arco will be displaying its pioneering range of Gore-Tex hazard and weatherwear.

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24 January 2014

Casella, will be exhibiting its latest products at The Health and Safety Event 2014 in March. This will include the Microdust Pro, a rugged, hand-held, data logging instrument that is said to significantly minimise occupational health risks in the workplace by enabling real-time detection of airborne dusts, fumes and aerosols.

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24 January 2014

Those visiting RRC Training can expect an entertaining experience that will demonstrate the company's professional knowledge and experience, alongside samples of their training materials and courses.

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29 January 2014

Fortress Distribution will be debuting the Yuleys re-usable shoe cover at the Health and Safety Event in March.

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23 January 2014

Long Range Systems has developed a rugged and waterproof emergency call button. Once the ‘call button’ on the front of the unit is pressed, the unit can page an individual or a group of people to respond to the emergency situation.

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23 January 2014

Visitors to the Health and Safety Event will get the opportunity to see the best of British engineering and design in noise monitoring when visiting the Pulsar Instruments stand.

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29 January 2014

Health, Safety & Environmental training provider West Anglia Training Association (WATA) which is based just outside Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire but regularly offers open courses in Dartford, Swindon and the Midlands, will be on hand to discuss your training needs at The health & Safety Event.

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15 January 2014

Innovations from Scott Safety including the ProPak Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) range that promises comfort and performance for those in the emergency firefighting, marine and industrial sectors will be on show at The Health & Safety Event 2014.

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29 January 2014

American manufacturer Little Giant Ladder Systems has announced it is to launch a new European line of safe ladder products at The Health & Safety Event at the NEC Birmingham on 11-13th March 2014.

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05 February 2014

The Health and Safety Event, a new national Health and Safety exhibition and conference programme organised by Western Business Exhibitions, is taking place from 11th to 13th March 2014 at the NEC in Birmingham.

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21 January 2014

Samantha Johnson discusses why creating the right company culture is key to the effective management of health and safety.

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22 January 2014

When event manager and noise consultant Chris Selkirk goes on to a Festival site for the first time, in his own words, he is looking for a "win-win-win” scenario on noise measurement and compliance.

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27 January 2014

Noise monitoring specialists Cirrus Research will be exhibiting at this year’s Health & Safety Event with its unique Noise Doctor concept.

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29 January 2014

Emergency evacuation equipment specialist, Evacusafe has announced that its Excel Evacuation Chair has sailed through stringent re-certification tests and is now officially certified and rated with an increased load capacity of 182Kg (400lbs).

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06 September 2019

The DC 2900 is Dustcontrol’s most popular dust extractor. It is suitable for vacuum cleaning and source extraction from handheld power tools (with up to 5” suction casings) and small table saws.

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