Home >Noise Sound Level Meters, dosimeters and training resonate with users

Noise Sound Level Meters, dosimeters and training resonate with users

26 April 2018

Casella’s monitoring solutions and training course assist employers with effective workplace noise exposure assessments in order to maintain compliance and protect employee health.

The 63x Series noise monitor is designed to make sound level measurements simple, with all parameters stored so you can view noise measurements as your requirements demand. Average, peak and octave band measurements are performed simultaneous and displayed graphically. There is even an option to record voice notes to trace the run for noise identification purposes. 

Casella’s dBadge2 noise dosimeters enable personal noise exposure measurement to be monitored remotely with the supporting Airwave App on your mobile device. There is no need to disturb wearers and you can view the status or even start, stop or pause the measurement run. The dashboard display provides summary data at a glance, and you can email this data alongside photos and notes direct to your PC for easier reporting.

Casella’s Noise Course on 5th June 2018 in Bedford combines practical noise measurement of exposure sources, individual exposure level monitoring and a test, where successful completion provides certification and the ability to start monitoring workplaces. The training provides guidance on the use of sound level meters and dosimeters for identifying problem areas, personal exposure levels and helps determine the appropriate form of hearing protection, as well as an introduction to the basics of noise control.

For more information contact info@casellasolutions.com, call 01234 844100 or go to www.casellasolutions.com
