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Home>Industry Update>Company News>BSIF Safety Awards to take place at Health & Safety Event
Home>Industry Update>Recognition & Reward>BSIF Safety Awards to take place at Health & Safety Event

BSIF Safety Awards to take place at Health & Safety Event

06 February 2017

The 2017 BSIF Safety Awards will this year be announced at the Health & Safety Event, Birmingham NEC on Thursday 23rd March 2017.

According to BSIF CEO, Alan Murray, the event is the perfect place for the awards as it highlights and celebrates the innovation found within the UK safety market.

The prestigious BSIF Safety Awards recognise excellence within the safety industry, excellence in customer service, product innovation and with the key goal of improving occupational health and safety.

In order to develop the awards, slight changes have been made to the way the product innovation award is judged. Like last year, all products will be considered based upon their entry submissions, the finalists will then go forward to judging day where the manufacturers will have the opportunity to present their entry to the panel of judges.

The difference this year is that the judges will be joined by a live audience at the Health & Safety Event.

Each product manufacturer will be allowed 15 minutes to present and answer questions from the judges and audience. this will allow the audience to see the products and get an understating of them from the presentations being made. It also allows a much greater level of exposure for all entrants and will maximise the opportunity to promote innovation at the event.

The presentations will take place over the first two days of the show with the entrants having specific time slots in which to deliver. The finalists will then be scored by the panel of judges and the winner announced, along with the Safety Excellence and Customer Service award winners, on the final day of the show.

Finalists and award winning companies will receive immediate benefit as they will be featured in the pre/post exhibition publicity. Additionally the winners and finalists will be displayed on the BSIF stand and in the BSIF industry guide.

The three award categories are:

  • Product Innovation: An award for products that are new and innovative and will contribute to improvements in occupational safety & health.
  • Service Awards: An award for companies in the safety field offering exceptional and innovative service solutions. Voted for by the entrants’ own customers.
  • Safety Excellence: Based upon case studies submitted by members, these awards recognise major improvements in occupational safety created in 2016/2017.

All companies are entitled to enter up to three products for the Product Innovation Award as well as submitting an entry for the Service Awards and a case study for the Safety Excellence Awards. The entry deadline is end of day on Tuesday 14th February 2017.

Entry for all BSIF members is £90 + VAT, whilst non-members will be invoiced a £180 + VAT administration charge for each entry.

Alan Murray said: "The BSIF believes that The Health & Safety Event at the NEC, offers the best platform to publicise innovation, service and excellence and there is little doubt that those entering these awards, along with a show stand, will maximise the commercial benefit they receive."

Download the BSIF Saferty Awards Brochure Here
