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Advanced recognised in awards

13 April 2016

Advanced's AlarmCalm false alarm management system came third out of the 50 companies shortlisted for Tomorrow’s Health and Safety Awards 2016.

“Without a safe, healthy and happy workforce, UK businesses would find it almost impossible to operate," said Alison Carter, the online magazine's editor. "Luckily there are a host of products and services on the market to assure companies that workers are well looked after. It is these tools that have been featured in our magazine over the past year and the best of the bunch have made it onto our awards shortlist.”

“While we wouldn’t normally shout about a third place, AlarmCalm is a big solution to a big problem,” said Advanced’s marketing manager, Aston Bowles. ‘We designed AlarmCalm to be easy to configure for any false alarm strategy, and it’s really pleasing that the health and safety market can see its potential alongside much simpler products. We’re delighted with the award, and of course with the impact that AlarmCalm has on sites that need to reduce false alarms from their fire systems.

“False alarms are one of the big issues currently faced by fire professionals and building owners today. The FIA estimated that false alarms cost over £1billion last year in the UK alone. It was in response to this global problem that Advanced developed AlarmCalm, which we believe is the most powerful and complete false alarm management solution available.”

Fast, easy to use and simple to configure, AlarmCalm can scale from small installations to large sites with complicated cause and effect. Focused on alarm verification and investigation delay options, it allows additional time to respond, verify or investigate an alarm. AlarmCalm uses Advanced's new Building Area concept, which allows alarm management strategy within a building to be easily managed.
