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Double win at construction awards

04 June 2013

Warrington-based Boulting Group's commitment to the highest standards of health and safety was recognised by the receipt of two high profile awards at the AstraZeneca AZCAS Construction Awards in March.

The award ceremony recognises outstanding company and individual safety performances on AstraZeneca construction projects worldwide undertaken over the last twelve months. 

The Boulting team received The AstraZeneca Construction Award for the Alderley Park and Macclesfield sites in recognition of their ongoing professionalism and proactive management of SHE activities within their design, engineering, construction and term maintenance services.

Boulting Group was also awarded the Gold Standard Safety Certificate associated with their design, engineering, construction and term maintenance activities in relation to their AstraZeneca Avlon Works services at Bristol.

Man of the Year Awards were also presented to Sam Wheeler at Macclesfield and Paul Webb at Alderley Park for their outstanding individual contributions to the overall safety performance at their respective sites.

These 2013 awards recognise that Boulting Group have incurred no injuries or accidents whilst working on the above contracts. 


"Safety is given the highest priority within Boulting Group and this award for the second consecutive year has amplified our continuing efforts to maintain the highest of standards," executive director of Boulting Group Terry Marston said.
