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Suzy Lamplugh House opens

30 November 2015

Provider of lone worker protection solutions and manufacturer of the Identicom lone worker device SoloProtect was joined by customers and friends on 16th October 2015 to celebrate the opening of Suzy Lamplugh House in Tinsley, Sheffield, SoloProtect’s new UK headquarters and Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).

Clive Betts MP for Sheffield South East, Sir Keith Povey, President BSIA, and Rachel Griffin, director of the Suzy Lamplugh Trust were in attendance.

The day featured a range of industry presentations to guests, lunch and networking, plus a full guided tour of SoloProtect’s new ARC facility. The premises are based close to the Meadowhall roundabout on Sheffield Road in Tinsley, Sheffield.

The ARC will begin handling SoloProtect customer Red Alerts from 2016 and will imminently be audited in order to be the first dedicated Lone Worker ARC to receive accreditation against BS 8591 and the European Standard EN 50518 (both standards relate to ARC's).

Craig Swallow, MD of SoloProtect UK, said: “Our goal is to deliver the quickest response to our customers with the most qualified staff today and in the future.”

Through the recent expansion, SoloProtect has added 14 new full time positions to its growing UK operation; all of which are based in Sheffield.

Part of the new building will be made available to the Suzy Lamplugh Trust to deliver safety training as part of an ongoing partnership with SoloProtect. 



