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14 October 2020

EUCHNER HAS added Modular and Classic variants to its Multifunctional Gate Box (MGB), which was first launched to provide a totally integrated locking and handle solution.

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15 June 2020

Uni-Prop International has reinforced its 'business as usual' message, as builders across the UK return to work. On 15 May 2020, The UK's Construction Industry Training Board ('CITB') issued a set of essential COVID-19 safety checks to ensure that the workforce is protected, and the risk of infection on construction sites is minimised.

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10 August 2020

SICK has launched the SICK IME2S inductive proximity safety switch for safe and easy non-contact position and safe area monitoring to help prevent accidents and unwanted collisions in production and logistics environments up to PL d (EN ISO 13849) safety requirements.

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10 December 2019

The AZM150 from the Schmersal Group is a new electromechanical solenoid interlock that is characterised by its slimline design and 1400 Newton interlocking force.

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23 October 2019

At SPS 2019 (26 to 28 November, Nuremberg), Schmersal Group will present a new RFID-based compact solenoid interlock. Measuring 119.5 x 40 x 20mm, the AZM40 is said to be the smallest electronic solenoid interlock in the world.

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10 September 2019

The Schmersal Group is using Plasma-SealTight technology in a pilot to produce its AZM300 solenoid lock. Used on safety doors, the interlock has a metal bracket integrated into a plastic actuator. The bracket engages with an interlock cross-head to ensure safety doors are securely closed.

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11 March 2019

An ISO document devoted specifically to trapped key interlocking answers many questions that have arisen relating to performance levels, key coding, and power interlocking and will provide more choice for users of interlock devices and systems.

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11 March 2019

Functional safety solutions from Sensata Technologies are designed to improve productivity and enhance safety in food processing plants by allowing machine parts to be cleaned without having to stop the run.

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04 December 2018

Sick’s simple to implement and regulatory-compliant safety protection system, Sick Safe Robotics Area Protection, enables unrestricted safe access to fenceless robots.

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01 June 2018

According to Reece Safety Products it's easy to find modern isolation systems where a live feed will remain in place despite the original energy source being isolated.

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30 January 2018

Castell, a leader in trapped key interlocking technology, has launched what is claimed to be the world's first digital key exchange box.

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05 January 2018

The pipe blind lockout device can be applied to the widest range of pipes to easily and temporarily lock pipe blinds in place. With the pipe blind lockout, users can avoid the release of gas, steam and hazardous liquids while pipe maintenance is still ongoing.

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12 December 2017

Master Lock has launched a new safety solution: The Permit Control Station. Designed to allow users to organise their lockout equipment and display procedure paperwork in a single location, the new S3500 Series provides a more efficient work environment for maintenance staff.

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07 December 2017

Castell, a leader in trapped key interlocking technology, has launched what it claims is the first digital key exchange box.

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01 November 2017

Fortress Interlocks has brought out two new slimline modules for its amGardpro range of interlock safety gate switches: a slimline solenoid switch body and a slimline option pod body.

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21 July 2017

The Master Lock Company has launched the new Master Lock S856 and S866 retractable cable lockout devices. 

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18 July 2017

Brick, block and tile manufacturing plants are notorious for their dusty, arduous environments and high-vibration machinery. This plays havoc with traditional safety interlocks, routinely causing tripping faults.

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13 April 2017

Wieland Electric has added six new industrial press function control blocks to its samosPRO COMPACT-PLUS family of programmable safety controllers, and integrated support for both EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT fieldbus communication protocols.

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31 March 2017

Master Lock, the American padlock and safes specialist and expert in lockout tagout solutions, recently launched a new website www.masterlock.eu available in seven different languages (English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Italian).

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28 March 2017

A great number of workplace accidents still occur during maintenance. These accidents can cause severe human suffering, high insurance premiums and reduced production efficiency.

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25 November 2016

Reach heights between 13.00m - 23.00m

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25 November 2016

Reach heights between 7.80m - 33.70m

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08 January 2014

AZM range solenoid interlocks, operating in combination with control elements of a machine

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25 November 2016

Reach heights 3.60m - 5.10m

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08 January 2014

Command and signalling devices are highly important devices at the man-machine interface in industrial applications.

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25 November 2016

Reach heights between 4.20m - 10.00m

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25 November 2016

Reach heights between 20.0m - 47.7m

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08 January 2014

Devices for ExZones

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08 January 2014

Optoelectronic safety device are used as entry, danger point or danger zone guards.

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08 January 2014

The magnetic safety sensors serve to monitor the position of sliding, hinged and removable safety guards.

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25 November 2016

Reach heights between 10.00m - 43.15m

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08 January 2014

Everything on one handle. Less is more - that is the principle according to which Schmersal has designed the safety door handle series

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08 January 2014

Position switches with safety function are suitable for sliding and hinged safety guards which need to be closed to ensure the necessary operational security.

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25 November 2016

Reach heights between 15.45m - 47.70m

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25 November 2016

Lift heights between 4.03m – 16.7m

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