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21 October 2024

EFFECTIVE FUME and dust collection is a critical process for modern manufacturers. Now you can enhance your filtration and extraction efficiency while reducing energy expenses with Nederman SAVE.

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24 June 2024

REACTEC REVIEWS the current impact of dust-related occupational ill-health in the UK and explores how connected worker technology can help you to manage exposure.

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29 May 2024

AIRBENCH HAS launched its AirTower AT range, an air cleaning system for large halls.

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18 June 2024

THE ASYS dBELL system is a powerful monitoring solution, easily adapted to meet the requirements of most workplace environments.

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04 April 2024

IMPACT TECHNICAL Services is making its debut appearance at The Health & Safety Event at the NEC, Birmingham from 30 April - 2 May 2024.

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04 April 2024

AIRBENCH HAS released an upgraded version of its WB wet filtration bench, with final H13 HEPA grade filtration.

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26 February 2024

AIRBENCH IS pleased to announce the release of its new downflow booth models, the VertEx DFB.

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08 December 2023

THE ASYS dBELL 100 workspace monitor provides the health and safety professional with an incredibly easy to use system that can be adapted to meet the requirements of most workplace environments.

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16 January 2024

ACSOFT IS delighted to be hosting a webinar on 31 January 2024 alongside, Sensidyne LP who have been designing and distributing instrumentation to keep workers safe and workplace facilities secure around the Globe since 1983.

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13 October 2023

DUST SAFETY in the workplace is of paramount importance, especially when it comes to silica dust. Silica, a natural substance found in rocks, sand, and clay, can become hazardous respirable dust during industrial processes.

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02 October 2023

AIRBENCH HAS launched a new range of wet filtered downdraught benches.

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11 September 2023

UPCOMING JSP "Dust Kills! Webinar" will teach you about the dangers of dust and how to select the correct respiratory protection (RPE) in an industrial environment. This webinar aims to highlight the importance of proper respiratory selection to ensure safety.

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11 September 2023

THE UCF FireCore – a new hands-free thermal imaging camera – has been introduced by Dräger. The camera displays live action imagery within the Dräger FPS 7000 full face mask.

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22 August 2023

AIRBENCH IS launching a new range of wet filtered downdraught benches.

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03 April 2023

AIRBENCH IS launching a new range of wet filtered downdraught benches.

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03 April 2023

THE NEW F-Tech Wolf, in combination with the F-Tech Fume Torch is a high quality on torch extraction system that can be used with two fume torches simultaneously.

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03 April 2023

GRANITE AND other natural stones are a highly sought after material for various uses across many industries.

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03 April 2023

AIRBENCH HAS announced the release of its new downflow booth model, the VertEx DFB.0

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21 February 2023

THE MAJORITY of construction activities create airborne dust, especially when working with materials such as wood, stone, concrete, fillers, and plasterboards.

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21 February 2023

AIRBENCH HAS announced the launch of a new range of wet filtered downdraught benches.

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07 November 2024

Real-time dust monitoring offers instant information in areas where airborne dust is present, giving live readings of dust data and subsequent audio/visual alarms when dust levels are dangerous to workers health. Adrian Eccles provides an insight.

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09 September 2024

TIM TURNEY emphasises the importance of effective airborne hazard monitoring measures set in place and the importance this holds in protecting workers.

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02 April 2024

Bob Latimer discusses monitoring and control limits for dust and fumes in the work environment.

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01 August 2023

HSM asks Daniel Frith about the dangers of exposure to airborne contaminants and how to mitigate the risks.

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27 March 2023

Craig Cowbrough talks to Mark Lynch of DMH about his use of cloud connected environmental sensor technology to help deliver better health and safety outcomes in the workplace.

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15 June 2021

The health effects of dust should not be over-looked and it is one of the most prevalent forms of contamination encountered in the workplace. Kurt Greenall explores the dangers of this hazard and the decontamination options.

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05 November 2020

Controlling airborne hazards in the workplace is essential to protect workers from a host of lung illnesses. James Dodgson and David Gough explore the various hazards and health risks.

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25 November 2019

Josh Thomas discusses the risks associated with dust at quarries, and highlights the vital role of monitoring.

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02 October 2019

We need a more precautionary approach to managing welding fume exposures, says professor John Cherrie.

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23 January 2019

Reducing cases of occupational lung disease is not going to be easy as it will entail educating employers and employees alike. Megan McConville questions why despite better knowledge, why the figures have not reduced.

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27 April 2018

Georgina Bisby discusses recent progress around the prevention and control of construction dust

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26 February 2018

Jasmeen Daji, campaigns communications co-ordinator at IOSH, provides an update on the work it has carried out over the past 18 months – with the help of cross-industry commitment – to minimise occupational risks of exposure to silica dust

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26 October 2017

The implications of the OSHA standard in the United States will be felt around the world and, says Tim Turney, technical product manager at Casella, a uniform exposure limit applicable in Europe is likely.

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30 October 2017

Casella, a new member of the Federation, reduces occupational health and environmental risks through a core competence in dust, noise and vibration monitoring instrumentation.

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30 January 2017

Engineering and maintenance are two of the most hazardous industries, with huge potential for serious injuries if precautions are not taken to safeguard individuals working in them. Not least of these potential hazards are dust and fumes, both common by-products of these industries that can lead to significant harm to the worker’s respiratory system. Matthew Judson, JSP's technical director explores the measures that can be taken.

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26 October 2016

HSM speaks to Jonathan Oswald, UK sales manager - safety division, GVS Filter Technology UK, about the correct use of RPE when faced with airborne hazards.

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26 October 2016

There’s no denying the health risk to construction workers from dust is not only high, but life-threatening. HSM asks why construction workers are at such high risk to health issues caused by dust?

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18 May 2016

At this year’s Health & Safety Event, visitors got the opportunity to ‘join the debate’ by taking part in the hugely popular Safety Dialogue series. Sponsored by science-based technology company 3M, the sessions provided the perfect platform for people to speak to experts and share their own experiences of work place health and safety. Alan McArthur, technical supervisor at 3M and panellist at the event, reflects on the most topical questions surrounding respiratory protection.

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28 January 2022

The Corpro HM1400 half mask is a lightweight, comfortable reusable respirator that provides protection against hazardous airborne contaminants.

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24 August 2017

Zehnder CleanAir 3 removes airborne dust particles from the air in industrial and commercial applications.

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24 August 2017

Zehnder CleanAir 6 removes airborne dust particles from the air in industrial and commercial applications.

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07 April 2020

Research shows that dust exposure is a significant health hazard to people working in the construction industry. This article explains why dust exposure is dangerous and explores the various options available for reducing it.

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23 September 2015

Indoor and environmental monitoring

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16 January 2018

MultiRAE Lite One-to-Six Gas Personal Protection/ Confined Space Monitor

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23 September 2015

Measure area heat and humidity or personal heart rate and core body temperature

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24 August 2017

Zehnder CleanAir 12 removes airborne dust particles from the air in industrial and commercial applications.

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04 March 2020

LK Pex manufactures pipes used in under-floor heating, radiator heating and tap water systems, as well as braided hoses. Since it was founded in 2000, LK Pex has quickly expanded, and last year delivered more than 60 million metres of pipes to the heating, ventilation, sanitation and plumbing industries in Europe, the USA, Asia and the Middle East. Based in Ulricehamn, Sweden, the business currently has 14 production lines, employing 85 employees to meet the ever-increasing demands of its customers.

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23 September 2015

300 products detecting 28 gases

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06 September 2019

The DC 2900 is Dustcontrol’s most popular dust extractor. It is suitable for vacuum cleaning and source extraction from handheld power tools (with up to 5” suction casings) and small table saws.

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24 August 2017

Zehnder CleanAir 2 removes airborne dust particles from the air in retail, commercial and public applications.

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16 January 2018

Touchpoint Plus is an easily configurable, wall mounted control system that supports up to sixteen channels of gas detection. Its intuitive user interface and modular approach enables you to take control and configure what you need for a wide range of applications.

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08 November 2018

The First Aid at Work course is designed to help employers meet legal requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and is formally certificated by the First Aid Industry Body (F.A.I.B. approved).

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