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Understanding Chromium-6

15 December 2024

CHROMIUM-6, also known as Chromium VI, CR VI, chrome, chromium, Cr, Cr6+, or hexavalent chromium, is a highly toxic and carcinogenic form of the element chromium.

Though it can naturally occur, it is commonly produced through industrial processes and awareness of exposure in the workplace is growing. Typically appearing as a yellow dust, it can be found on high-temperature parts such as engines or insulated objects and the area surrounding the insulation.

Found in compounds like chromium oxide, zinc chromate, lead chromate and strontium chromate, Chromium-6 is widely used in the paint and steel industries for its strong resistance to oxidation and rust. These properties make it a preferred choice for protective coatings on stainless steel and for extending the durability and longevity of aluminium in trains and military vehicles.

Exposure to Chromium-6 arises during the processing of old coatings or paint layers containing the compound. Activities such as sanding can release dust particles containing Chromium-6, which can be easily inhaled or absorbed through the skin, posing severe health risks. With the HSE stating that occupational exposure must be a low as possible, not just below workplace exposure limits (WELs), it is vital that the risk of Cr VI in workplace is effectively assessed and controlled.

Monitoring solutions from Shawcity 

Shawcity now offers an industrial-grade, two-step process to help identify and neutralise this hazard effectively to ensure a safe working environment.

The TK20 Chromium-6 Neutraliser is a liquid solution specifically designed to neutralise and eliminate chromium-6 contamination on metal surfaces. It can be applied using a cloth, sprayer, or by immersing small parts directly into the solution. This versatility makes it suitable for treating a wide range of applications and objects.

The TK11 Test Kit can be used to verify that Chromium-6 has been successfully removed. The test involves rubbing the moistened end of the swab on the object or material, if the swab turns red/purple, Chromium-6 is present.

For more information or to order a test kit, visit https://products.shawcity.co.uk/collections/chromium-6-detection
