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State of the UK Health and Safety Market Survey 2024

21 October 2024

HEALTH AND Safety Matters is conducting a survey seeking views and opinions about the State of the UK Health and Safety Market Survey 2024 and the results will be published in the annual BSIF Guide, which is published later this year.

As a valued reader of HSM magazine, we would like you to complete the survey as the results help to play an important part in shaping the future of the health and safety industry.

The survey is easy to complete, will only take a few minutes of your time and can be completed anonymously. We will put the results to the BSIF, who will provide their thoughts on the results and the full results will be printed in this year’s BSIF Guide.

Kelly Rose, Editor of HSM says, "Feedback from our readers is always welcome and helps us steer the direction of our content, and typically the feedback comes off the back of something we have already produced - such as a webinar, event or publication. In this instance, we are looking for answers to some survey questions so that we can put together an industry report looking at the state of the UK health and safety market - and the more responses we gain from across all industries means we can piece together a clearer picture. So please take five minutes to fill in our survey using the link below."

Your opinion matters to us so please take part.

You can complete the survey by following this link https://form.jotform.com/242802480782357
