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New online crane specification tool

04 October 2017

Konecranes has simplified the overhead crane specification process with the introduction of its online tool, Crane Advisor.

The menu driven application may be accessed via desktop computer, iPad, tablet and smart phone, allowing convenient use of the tool from any location. Crane Advisor has been introduced successfully in North America and has now been launched in the UK, Europe and selected regions worldwide.

Crane Advisor is described as a user friendly, icon driven platform designed to help customers narrow down potential lifting equipment options, according to their specific material handling application. Users are prompted to input parameters, including industry type, crane capacity, girder span and lifting cycle duty. Based on the information supplied, the Crane Advisor software generates an immediate response, providing a personalised crane specification, tailored to the user’s specific requirements.

On receipt of the recommendation, customers can familiarise themselves with the product offering before continuing discussions with a Konecranes sales representative. The system saves the customer valuable time in the initial decision making process and provides sufficient information for a preliminary project analysis, before committing further time and resources to the details of the specific material handling solution.
