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Skin cream selector app

14 November 2016

The skin care solutions specialist Deb has designed a new app that helps industrial workers and their employers choose the right creams to keep their skin safe and healthy.

Quick and easy to use, the Deb Cream Selector app guides users through a number of short questions, before identifying products that are best suited for the nature of the work, the specific work environment, and an individual’s skin condition. 

The app can easily be downloaded onto a mobile phone or tablet, via https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/deb-cream-selector/id1138317822?mt=8" App Store or  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ionicframework.creamsselector989143" Google Play. It was designed to be shared between colleagues, encouraging construction workers to regularly use the right products to protect and restore their skin.

Deb is focused on combatting occupational skin disorders, which is the second most common work-related health problem in Europe. Every year, around 3 million working days are lost because of it – costing the EU an estimated €600m. 

Skin disorders in the workplace can range from mild, short-term irritations to serious conditions such as occupational dermatitis or friction callosity. At the extreme end of the spectrum, there is skin cancer. 
