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Outstanding commitment to road safety

03 November 2016

Licence Bureau managing director Malcolm Maycock has received the prestigious Kevin Storey Award for Outstanding Commitment to Road Safety at Brake’s annual Fleet Safety Awards.

Held at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole, Malcolm was recognised for his relentless contribution to improving road safety at the Metropolitan Police, Licence Bureau, and as chairman of the Association of Driving Licence Verification (ADLV), not to mention his extensive personal efforts as a Brake volunteer and speaker.

Malcolm formed Licence Bureau in 2003 as the first UK company to provide a B2B solution to driving licence management, following tireless work to establish regular licence checking for employees with the DVLA and Information Commissioner.

Recognising the need to provide an all in one solution, Malcolm has steered Licence Bureau into a full compliance management company, instilling a culture of road safety in businesses that has led to over two million licence checks being carried out since it was established. The fleet compliance company was also nominated in the Road Safety in the Community Award category for the second year running.

Skanska’s Alison Moriarty received the Road Risk Manager of the Year Award, sponsored by Licence Bureau, for the second year running, thanks to her continued efforts to minimise road risk and shape driver behaviour at the construction company.

Malcolm said: “I’m honoured to be recognised by Brake with the Kevin Storey award. I’ve always been passionate about making a difference on the roads throughout my entire adult life; to receive this accolade is truly humbling.” 
