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From the CEO's desk

02 May 2014

As Easter passes and the spring arrives with us it heralds a time of change. At long last we have the release draft of the revised PPE Directive which is now being set out as a regulation. This topic will be covered in a separate section.

In the UK for far too long those involved in the Safety and Health business in the UK have fought against the negative image created behind the demeaning "Elf and Safety” tag often having to justify that good proportionate Safety and Health legislation is good for the population and good for UK PLC.
The BSIF has been at the vanguard with this message often forced to react against the sound bite stories that damage the essential value and good that is done by having good safety and health in place in the workplace. 

For this message to get out there, those in power must share the same views and values. I believe that we are beginning to see this recognised and that change is starting. Crucially we now are seeing communication from the Rt Hon Mike Penning MP, Minister of State responsible for Safety and Health speaking and laying out guidance to councils and schools on proportionate safety and health enforcement. The Minister has written personally to councils and schools specifically on the need for them to educate their staff to prevent the misuse of health and safety laws.   

The BSIF congratulates the Minister and we should all be clear that with direction and appropriate application, UK legislation will continue to do its job of preventing workplace accidents and reducing the very real problem of long term work related illnesses. Having Health and Safety as a government priority is vital and it is essential that our elected leaders are able to hear and appreciate the value of this message. To this end BSIF are now increasing our involvement with central government and we are now working actively on a frontline political engagement strategy with PB Political Consulting Ltd. 

Good Health and Safety as we know is vital for the individual and good health and safety is good for business and the country. This message must get through.
