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Training for competency

23 January 2013

If the risk of a fall can not be eliminated then those organising, planning or supervising work must have a thorough understanding of working at height including legislation, safety requirements and working methods...

If the risk of a fall can not be eliminated then those organising, planning or supervising work must have a thorough understanding of working at height including legislation, safety requirements and working methods. Similarly, those working at height must be trained in how to work safely, avoid falling and how to minimise injury should they fall. This includes contractors, sub-contractors and any maintenance operative employed directly or indirectly by a company.

Training should include instruction on the correct usage of equipment and in accordance with the manufactures' recommendations. It is extremely important to remember that each product has been designed to address different working requirements and has its own specific safety considerations. For example, harness and lifeline systems can provide effective safety for workers as long as they are trained in the correct usage and are aware of the minimum height requirements for the equipment.

Similarly, fall arrest systems such as mobile man anchors provide individual safety protection and very much rely on the person using the equipment correctly. This means that prior to use, comprehensive information, instruction, training and supervision must be given to ensure users know how to wear and adjust the harness, how to inspect the equipment, recognise potential defects, and finally, to understand the product's limitations.

It should never be assumed that workers know how to work safely or that they can learn as they go along as bad working practices can easily be picked up from fellow workers.