Home >My RTITB Training Friend App

My RTITB Training Friend App

02 July 2020

Our MyRTITB TrainingFriend app helps you save time and money on MHE operator training administration and assessment, saving up to 5 hours per course.

The MyRTITB TrainingFriend Android app is a completely unique solution that makes lift truck operator testing 100% paperless for the first time, as well as reducing training administration time. In fact, it’s possible to save 5 hours per training course!

A minimum of 2 theory papers for every course is available on the app so you can stop wasting time creating and updating theory test papers. It also takes just 1-click to register your candidates onto RTITB’s online portal (NORS) that securely stores training data and despatches certification.

With automatic creation of a professional electronic Training Record PDFs, there is also no need to copy and collate lengthy paper training records. Paper-free also means no more buying/printing/photocopying test marking sheets, training records, or registration forms.

Designed to ensure there are no more compliance headaches, all the paperwork you need to deliver your course is in the app, which automatically updates to the latest test marking sheets and theory papers.

MyRTITB TrainingFriend improves accuracy by totalling penalties and scores in assessment, saving you time. Plus, it auto-marks the multiple-choice questions for you. You’ll also receive reminders as you deliver your course to flag anything you must complete that you have missed.
