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Western Business Media & BSIF partnership wins award

06 December 2021

WESTERN BUSINESS Media, publisher of HSM, and the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) has won Commercial Partnership of the Year for its annual BSIF Guide at the PPA Independent Publisher & Conference Awards.

Judges were impressed by the product extensions and the extremely high levels of engagement which resulted in increased subscribers. They recognised the excellent collaboration that clearly meets the aims of all parties.

The BSIF Guide is an annual publication featuring articles covering all aspects of the safety and health industry within the UK and provides advice and information on workplace safety. The articles have been written by BSIF through our members and they offer independent view points across multiple sectors of the industry.

The award further cements Western Business Media's strong partnership with the BSIF. Western Business Media CEO Mark Sennett commented: "We are thrilled to have won this prestigious award. Our partnership with the BSIF is key to everything we do and it continues to grow from strength to strength.

"This award recognises the hard work of the entire Health and Safety Matters and BSIF teams who work tirelessly to make the BSIF Guide the must-read annual publication for the health and safety sector. But this award really is for our loyal readers and advertisers, without you there would be no HSM or BSIF Guide. Thank you for your continued fantastic support."

Alan Murray, CEO of BSIF said, "I am absolutely delighted that BSIF and WBM’s partnership, with the Guide to the British Safety Industry, has been recognised by the PPA Independent Publisher Awards. This annual magazine covers critical information vital to keeping people safe and healthy at work. BSIF are extremely proud of our partnership with WBM and all their staff."
