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Website update delivers user benefits

04 December 2019

An enhanced website has been launched by Unigloves UK, part of UG Healthcare, to mark the next phase of its growth and development.

The updated site – http://bit.ly/2XtvFgL – features detailed information about the company's complete range of high-performance, nitrile, latex and hybrid disposable glove solutions for industry sectors that include automotive, tattoo, food and drink, engineering, healthcare and dentistry.

A significant new feature of the site is the ability for Unigloves’ wide range of distributors to order products directly from the website. Other updates include 360° spin images, a product comparison feature, previously purchased, and where to buy.

In addition to product-specific technical and performance data, the new site also allows users to request free samples, find out about its glove audit service and access resources such as an industrial glove glossary.

“We are delighted to launch our new website which reflects the next stage in our growth,” says Unigloves’ marketing director, Donald Gillespie. 

“Our dedication to creating innovative, market-leading disposable glove solutions, backed up with manufacturing quality, technical expertise and customer support has resulted in significant growth here in the UK and the updated site is part of our ongoing development of Unigloves the brand.”

Unigloves UK, part of UG Healthcare, produces up to 100 gloves every second of every day. 

For more information, visit unigloves.co.uk, call 0800 049 6602, or email enquiries@unigloves.co.uk
