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Power line risk training

12 April 2016

A new power lines training module has been added to Southalls’ Safety Cloud online health and safety system to help minimise risk when plant machinery is operated near live overhead power lines.

Each year in the UK, there are hundreds of reported accidents and numerous injuries caused by cranes and lorry-mounted lifters coming into contact with overhead electric cables. Southalls’ new e-learning module provides employees with an understanding of the hazards associated with operating such machinery around live power lines and how to safely minimise potential risks.

The power lines module is the latest addition to Safety Cloud, which already features a wide range of easy-to-use e-learning training modules that can be accessed remotely from one secure, online platform. Used by over 550 businesses and 50,000 employees, Safety Cloud automatically notifies employers when training renewals are due and if refresher training is required in the event of an accident or near miss.

Speaking about the new module, co-founder John Southall said: “There are numerous potential hazards when cranes and other machinery are used to make deliveries and this new training module educates operators on one of the areas that can often be overlooked. Any incident involving plant or equipment coming into contact with electric lines is reportable under RIDDOR regulations, so its essential that employees are trained on power line safety.

“The new power lines module allows health and safety managers to take a proactive approach to managing risk whilst improving employee knowledge. The module has been designed to provide the most thorough and up to date information and guidance, and employers can instantly access training records online to view which employees have completed and understood all e-learning modules for a full compliance picture.”

Safety Cloud provides complete and instant visibility of current compliance, across risk assessments, audits, accidents management, training and maintenance. The online management software allows health and safety professionals to manage a full and detailed audit trail whilst using a task manager facility to allocate actions to team members.
For further information on the new Safety Cloud power lines training module and other health and safety services available from Southalls, visit www.southalls.com or email hello@southalls.com.
