19 March 2024
While Matt Powell-Howard brings extensive expertise in individual learning through the creation of NEBOSH courses and qualifications, organisational learning goes far beyond the classroom and is a far more complex concept.
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22 November 2023
The fall protection industry is developing training programmes to provide career paths – via Trailblazers – to ensure the competence of the workforce. Graham Willmott provides an update.
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14 March 2023
Managing risk at work starts with a solid risk assessment. Here, Matt Powell-Howard provides an insight into where to start.
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17 October 2022
This month we put Tilisafe's Andy Mee in the spotlight to find out how he found himself working in the world of health and safety.
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10 February 2022
Falls from height can result in life changing injuries and can be fatal. Hugh Owen looks at how to reduce the risk when employees have to work at height.
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29 July 2021
Brian Grunes offers guidance on the risks of confined space working and the upcoming changes to the City & Guilds training accreditation
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10 May 2021
This month we put Dr Chris Payne in the spotlight to find out about his route into the health and safety industry, his career highlights and how he has recently gained a greater insight to taking health and safety beyond compliance
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02 June 2020
In the context of mixed messages about the lockdown, Gary Fallaize, RRC managing director, discusses the need for leadership and how best to manage behavioural change.
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03 September 2019
David Towlson highlights various case studies that help demonstrate the significant and widespread benefits of investing in health and safety training and competency.
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10 March 2019
Practical application and background theory are both important when it comes to health and safety training, explains Jim Phelpstead.
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18 September 2018
As chief executive Teresa Budworth gets closer to her retirement from NEBOSH, HSM managing editor Mark Sennett finds out about her career in the health and safety industry and what her plans are for the future.
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11 September 2018
Mike Stevens looks at a three-step taxonomy for health and safety training - adequacy, competency and capability.
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18 September 2017
The HSM Campaigns Hub provides you with information on the latest health & safety initiatives and how you can get involved. This month we examine the LOcHER Project.
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08 March 2017
Refresher training is a vital part of ensuring site safety but so many companies are unsure of how often it should be carried out. Stuart Taylor of Mentor Training explains why it is necessary, what you need to know to comply with the law, and how investing in refresher training can actually save you money, as well as keeping your staff safe in the long term.
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01 March 2017
Too many employers think worker training alone is the answer to reducing health and safety incidents but, as RRC International’s Pat McLoughlin argues, it must go hand in hand with investigation of underlying causes at the company level.
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01 March 2017
Effective behavioural safety is not assured simply by drafting appropriate policies and procedures and expecting them to be followed by employees. According to Barry Wilkes, director of strategy at NEBOSH, to ensure that they have their desired effect on health and safety performance, it is critical that they are understood by employees and implemented effectively.
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13 September 2016
With so many training providers offering different courses, the panel at the Health & Safety Event’s Safety Dialogue sessions – which included representatives from NEBOSH, BOHS, Mines Rescue Service and 3M – focused on the importance of training programmes and how employers assess competency. Alan McArthur, technical supervisor at 3M, gives an overview of the key discussion points from the event.
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18 January 2016
Should companies re-examine the quality of manual handling training provided to their employees if they want to see real practical and business benefits? Andy Cartwright, technical manager for Mentor, is urging firms to do just that.
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31 March 2015
.The coming of the internet age forced training providers to re-think their roles. Should all training be delivered digitally or is there still a place for direct interaction? Chris Power, divisional manager, Training, at 4see looks at the pros and cons of e-learning versus traditional classroom based courses.
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01 April 2015
Steve Taylor, a consultant working for A.M Health and Safety, examines the issues of 'Big Project' thinking for smaller health and safety projects.
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