Skincare in sunny weather

07 April 2016

Legislation specialist Cedrec has provided the following protective measures for outdoor workers in the sun.

March heralds the official spring season, and we’ve seen the elusive sun a few times so far! Sunny days ahead, and that means outdoor work gets busier. Workers that braved the cold will be gearing up for hot weather and sunshine. Sounds lovely, except the dangers of working in the sun are every bit as uncomfortable and dangerous as working in the bitter British winter.

What to do, then?

Plenty sunscreen, of at least SPF 15. Take even more care with this step if you have fair or red hair, fair skin, freckles and moles. You’re more likely to burn and more susceptible to serious conditions arising from sunburn and the heat.

Drink lots of water to stay properly hydrated.

Take your breaks in the shade, if possible.

Wear a brimmed hat, preferably one which also offers the back of the neck protection.

Keep clothing on. Clothing acts as a barrier between the sun’s rays and your skin.

INDG337 guides employers of outdoor workers through their responsibilities and steps they can take to protect their workforce, including introducing safety policies for working in the sun, providing water points and shaded rest areas, and considering scheduling to avoid the sun during the midday.

