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Asbestos remains number one killer

23 January 2013

Tragically asbestos remains the single biggest cause of work-related deaths in the UK, with more than 4000 people continuing to die each year from asbestos-related diseases. And that number, according to Health and Sa

Tragically asbestos remains the single biggest cause of work-related deaths in the UK, with more than 4000 people continuing to die each year from asbestos-related diseases. And that number, according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE), is predicted to increase to peak around 2016.

The British Safety Council (BSC), strongly supports the 'Hidden Killer' campaign recently launched by HSE to underline the severity of the threat that exposure to asbestos poses, particularly to workers in construction and building maintenance sectors.

It is a commonly held view that the danger from asbestos is well known and therefore no longer widespread. This is a dangerous misperception.

Any building constructed or refurbished before 2000 could contain asbestos. As you read this there is the real possibility that the building you are in may contain asbestos. And asbestos is dangerous when disturbed.

Men and women working in construction and other sectors continue to be at risk from coming into contact with asbestos, often without their knowledge.

To Julie Nerney, the BSC's chief executive, the message is clear: "BSC is determined to play its part in drawing employers, property owners and occupiers and workers' attention to the 'Hidden Killer' campaign and create a far broader understanding of the dangers posed by asbestos. It is essential that we help create the environment where contractors, occupiers and workers understand and recognise the dangers and take appropriate precautions to avoid coming into contact with asbestos."