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Stand tall with safety matting

26 January 2015

Arco has developed a dedicated catalogue designed to provide specific advice on floor level safety and matting.

Whether it is to reduce the risk of slipping on potentially treacherous surfaces or to provide fatigue-relief for standing operatives, Arco can recommend a range of products designed to meet each individuals needs. Products in the range include slip resistant matting, which can help prevent slip injuries by providing more underfoot grip on floor areas that are contaminated by water, liquids and oil; and entrance matting, which is crucial in helping to keep buildings clean and tidy. An entrance mat can also help prevent dirt and water being tracked on to floors, minimising potential slip hazards.

Also included in the range is anti-fatigue matting, which can help to decrease foot weariness and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The in-built cushioning helps to promote regular subtle foot movement reducing stress on the soles of the feet and distributing the pressure over a greater surface. The cushioning underlay also insulates the feet from the hard surface, cold floors, vibrations, moisture and sound.
