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Launch of ACoP consultation

23 January 2013

One of the key themes of the Lofstedt review of health and safety was the streamlining and simplification of regulations including the HSE's Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP).

One of the key themes of the Lofstedt review of health and safety was the streamlining and simplification of regulations including the HSE's Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP).

A particular example of this is the interpretation and understanding of ACoPs. The report recommended that the HSE undertakes a comprehensive review of ACoPs with a proposed timeline to 2013 to complete this work.

The HSE has just launched the consultation process, seeking views on proposals for the revision, consolidation or withdrawal of 15 ACOPs which are to be delivered by the end of 2013 and on proposals for minor revisions, or no changes, to a further 15 ACOPs which are to be delivered by 2014. The consultation also includes a proposal that all ACOP documents be limited to a maximum length of 32 pages, other than in exceptional circumstances.

The BSIF strongly believes that the underlying strength of safety legislations needs to be maintained in order to protect workers. We hope that this consultation establishes what is good about the current health and safety regime and improves upon aspects that may be overzealous or superfluous. See: www.hse.gov.uk/consult/ condocs/cd241.htm for more.

Responses must be received by 14 September 2012.