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Health and wellbeing focus at Food and Drink conference

08 August 2018

FROM STRESS-busting techniques to the latest technology to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), IOSH’s annual Food and Drink Manufacturing Health and Safety Conference will examine key areas affecting this and other industries.

Mental health campaigners Jonny Benjamin MBE and Neil Laybourn will draw on their experiences to examine the issue at the two-day event. Jonny is the creator of the ThinkWell schools mental health programme while Neil is co-founder of the ‘This Can Happen 2018’ workplace mental health platform. 

Meanwhile Matthew Hatson, of Nexus8, and Joanna Yarker, of the Kingston Business School, will look into stress management.

Chair of IOSH’s Food and Drink Industries Group Andy Melachrino said, “Managing employee mental health is crucial for the success of organisations. If organisations fail to do this it can lead to a much higher absence rate and lower productivity.

“Our conference will look at this key issue, with excellent speakers such as Jonny and Neil, as well as other key topics in our industry.”

The conference is being held from 2-3 October at the Nottingham Belfry and is designed for people working in the industry, from company directors and health and safety leaders to supervisors and worker representatives, as well as health and safety professionals from other sectors.
