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Charities benefit from facemask donation

06 January 2022

SIEMENS, WORKING in conjunction with Brammer Buck & Hickman, has donated protective facemasks to two overseas charities.

The facemasks were ordered by Siemens through Brammer Buck & Hickman – Siemens’ preferred supplier – at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, as one of a number of measures to keep their staff safe. The masks were welcomed and used by Siemens’ factory staff and those deemed critical workers – including hospital maintenance and those working within power stations. However, with government rules and advice in 2020 regularly changing to reflect the shifting nature of the pandemic, the demand for disposal facemasks was considerably reduced. Rather than retain these facemasks, Siemens has donated them to two excellent charities for use overseas: Collective Aid and Medaid UK.

Collective Aid is committed to bringing dignity and care to refugees and other displaced people across Europe. Its mission is to fill the gaps left by other aid actors.  The facemasks donated by Siemens will be sent to Calais for use by Collective Aid’s team to protect the vulnerable populations it distributes to, who do not have sufficient access to basic healthcare. To donate to Collective Aid’s Emergency Winter Appeal, click here.

Medaid provides sustainable medical solutions, advice and training for those working in low to middle income countries, to make healthcare safe and accessible to all.  It specialises in optimising donated equipment to achieve the best possible results. A current project in Northern Uganda will be benefitting from the Siemens donated facemasks.

Paul Duncombe, Siemens purchasing commodity manager comments, “Our top priority at the start of this pandemic was to maintain the safety of our staff. We understood that facemasks had a role to play in this, but PPE was becoming difficult to obtain. We partnered with Brammer Buck & Hickman during the pandemic for our PPE needs as they are a tried and trusted partner for us. Brammer Buck & Hickmansuccessfully sourced the facemasks we wanted and a large number have been put to good use within Siemens. With the remaining facemasks, we decided that rather than holding on to them, we could put them to use where they are needed most.  Brammer Buck & Hickman kindly investigated suitable options and we are pleased to see the facemasks will now go to people who are in most need of them, via two admirable charities.  This has been a joint effort between our two companies to achieve something positive in very trying times.”
