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Casella noise monitoring, dust and air quality measurement solutions

02 June 2018

The Apex2 I.S personal air sampling pumps are intrinsically safe and compatible with the Casella Airwave App, to enable users to remotely start, pause or stop a measurement run and transmit data directly to multiple user inboxes, simplifying reporting.

The Flow Detective calibrator measures the airflow of any air sampling pumps and is suitable for flows up to 5L/min. The rugged, field portable flowmeter saves valuable time undertaking pump calibrations and when used with the Apex2 , closed loop calibration can be achieved to avoid manual set up. Gathered data can be transmitted wirelessly to save time.

The 63x Series Sound Level Meter  can be used  to ensure regulatory compliance and assist with the selection of hearing protection. The meters can also be used for site boundary noise assessment or noise nuisance complaints. The dBadge2 I.S noise dosimeter can be used workplace noise assessments, it is lightweight and designed to be used in potentially explosive areas. The dBadge2 I.S is also compatible with the Airwave App, so allowing for remote access to make monitoring data collection and transmission easier.  
