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COBA's new matting catalogue

05 January 2018

COBA Europe has published a new catalogue to promote its latest range of floor safety products. It includes a wide choice of anti-fatigue and slip-resistant matting options, as well as GRP sheets, stair treads and nosing, and PVC strip curtains. 

The new 2017-2018 catalogue features best-sellers from COBA Europe’s comprehensive choice of workplace matting, along with a handy ‘Workplace Matting Selector’ to help users find the right mat for their specific environment. This product selector is a user-friendly ‘quick reference guide’ to refine the choice, and provides rating details on anti-fatigue, wear and slip-resistance, along with other information about suitability for different locations.

New products in this catalogue include a selection of cable protectors in COBA’s new CablePro range, all designed to cover cables that trail on the floor and reduce trip hazards. 

Entrance mats and matting systems also feature in the catalogue, all of which play a critical role in reducing the risk of slip-related accidents on potentially slippery floor surfaces.

Contact COBA Europe to request a copy or visit the website to view the latest products and download other resources including a free e-Book StandUpForHealth.
