Safe Driving Plus

11 July 2016

Our online driver training e-learning software Safe Driving Plus was made to help fleet drivers stay safe on the road, as well as offering driver risk assessment and other key training to reduce fleet risk.

Safe Driving Plus is Cardinus’ online driving training solution focused on the most important aim of any fleet operator; reducing incidents and collisions. Drivers start with a short risk assessment that identifies the level and type of driver training each employee needs. The e-learning module is engaging and easy-to-follow, providing valuable safety advice your drivers can use when out on the road. Safe Driving Plus is the simplest and most effective way of reducing accidents, helping achieve compliance and driving down your fleet costs.

Here’s how Safety Driving Plus works:

  • The driver risk assessment identifies your high, medium and low risk drivers
  • A thirty minute e-learning lesson focuses on advice and techniques to reduce collisions
  • The centralised training and risk assessment records in our purpose built management system
  • You can use it separately or as part of a wider fleet risk management programme
  • It helps to reduce bent metal, insurance and down time costs
  • It is a valuable tool for achieving compliance with multiple Health & Safety regulations