Home>Training & Development>Guidance>Free PAT testing guide includes latest advice and guidance
Home>Managing Health & Safety>Standards>Free PAT testing guide includes latest advice and guidance

Free PAT testing guide includes latest advice and guidance

30 September 2015

Electrical safety testing specialist Seaward has updated its popular free guide to portable appliance testing (PAT).

The latest version of the guide has been fully updated in line with the latest IET Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment and is designed to provide a handy practical guide to all aspects of PAT testing.


The informative, full colour, 40 page booklet provides essential reading for all those with a responsibility for ensuring the safe operation of electrical equipment in the workplace, as well as those involved in conducting tests or providing PAT services.

The updated version of the guide takes into account fundamental changes to the latest IET advice on PAT testing, including a new section on determining inspection and test intervals using risk assessment procedures advised by the IET and the Health and Safety Executive.

Other sections on legislation and responsibilities, types and classes of electrical equipment, electrical tests and recording of test results provide a step by step guide to ensuring that all you need to know about PAT testing is included in one document.

