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Free seminar advises 'Know your PAT responsibilities'

15 July 2015

Electrical safety testing specialist Seaward has organised a series of seminars around the country to help those responsible for maintaining safety at work to better understand portable appliance safety testing.

The free seminars are aimed at duty holders and those involved in managing electrical safety regimes in the workplace as part of preventative maintenance programmes.

For all those with a role in maintaining safety at work, the events will provide expert advice on current industry best practice, dispel some of the myths around PAT and explain the benefits of a risk-based approach.

Specific topics will include an overview of the regulations and the IET Code of Practice, training requirements and competency issues, and what a common sense approach to testing actually means. 

The morning seminars are free of charge and will be provided during July to September at a number locations around the UK, including Glasgow, Bradford, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Plymouth, Lincoln, Basingstoke and Maidstone, with more dates to be added soon.

Register for your free place here.
