Home >7 year warranty offer on new range

7 year warranty offer on new range

31 July 2013

Pulsar has launched a range of highly performant sound level meters, ‘Pulsar Nova’, which now come with a 7 year warranty.

Pulsar’s latest addition to their portfolio of noise measurement equipment is a suite of high performance sound level meters designed for professionals seeking to meet the latest industry standards. The Pulsar Nova is the most robust and easy to use of its class providing safety experts with the highest level of performance in a wide range of noise measurement applications.


Formed in 1969, Pulsar instruments has built a reputation for producing quality, easy to use and robust precision instruments, a testament to British engineering at its best. As such, the company is confident of the reliability of its products and is able to provide an extended warranty on its new range.

The warranty covers all faults, including parts and labour, on the instrument resulting from manufacturing defects or accidental damage (with the exception of the microphone capsule and the display) for a period of 7 years.  It excludes damage to an instrument caused by the use of any accessories or components not specified or recommended by Pulsar Instruments plc.

On completion of each routine control by Pulsar Instruments plc, the instrument will be automatically given an additional free 12 month warranty. This means that should the Nova meter be returned and verified by Pulsar Instruments plc every year, the warranty is effectively continuous for 7 years from the date of purchase.

Sarah Brack, managing director said: "We are pleased to be able to extend our current warranty scheme by an additional 5 years to provide our new users with extra peace of mind. This is particularly important at a time when budgets are under strain and buyers are looking for added value. Choosing Pulsar provides the sound investment.”

For additional information on the Pulsar warranty scheme or the Pulsar Nova, please visit the company’s website www.pulsarinstruments.com call Pulsar Instruments’ team of experts on 01723 518011.
