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BSIF gains prime time viewing

23 January 2013

In July, the second airing of BBC One's Fake Britain programme focusing on the devastating impact counterfeit and illegal PPE can have on the workforce, was aired at prime time viewing. The BSIF contributed to this programme with one of its members Centurion Safety Products.

On the programme, the BSIF's Chief Executive Officer, David Lummis, discussed the different forms counterfeit items can take and the impact they have on society. David was able to once again reinforce the message that it is pivotal that genuine and legal PPE is used to ensure workers' health and safety.

Centurion Safety Products, with the help of British Standards Institute (BSI) testing laboratories, demonstrated the difference between a genuine and counterfeit safety helmet and the results from the test created a stark visual impact.

David Lummis commented: “We are delighted that the issue of counterfeit and illegal PPE has been addressed on a national basis, it is a serious concern for our industry. Both our members and the Federation are campaigning hard to raise awareness of the issue to end users through our Registered Safety Supplier Scheme. The BSIF will continue to take an active stance in monitoring the marketplace and will carry on raising awareness about the issue.”
