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Support for EU and ISO standards dwindles

23 January 2013

Through its members, the BSIF provides considerable support and expertise in the revision of standards by attendance at the relevant meetings.

Through its members, the BSIF provides considerable support and expertise in the revision of standards by attendance at the relevant meetings. The majority of these standards are now generated through CEN [harmonised ENs] or through the International Standards Organisation [ISOs] and, in most cases, these meetings require overseas travel and accommodation which is supposed to be supported through funding assistance by the National Standards Body, the BSI.

Unfortunately, the budget was exceeded recently and several UK experts were unable to attend standards meetings. Not unreasonably, their employers did not consider it appropriate for them to pay the total cost on behalf of UK industry.

A physical presence at standards meetings is the only way in which these standards can by influenced to protect the national interest and, with significant presences from France, Germany, China and the USA, the UK could be seriously disadvantaged in the future.
The BSIF is keen to see an urgent review of the current support system to ensure that funding budgets are not frittered away on other “administrative” activities.