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Respiratory protection and fit testing event

10 May 2023

THE BRITISH Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) has announced the agenda for the Fit2Fit and ISRP workshop on Respiratory Protection and Fit Testing taking place on Thursday 18 May 2023 at the CBS Arena, Coventry.

All BSIF members are welcome to register for the event and limited table top exhibition spaces are available.

Location: CBS Arena, Coventry Date: 18th May 2023 

The workshop will cover respiratory hazards, RPE product compliance, Fit2Fit scheme update and developments, fit testing research, RPE and fit testing standards update and Open Panel sessions. Questions in advance for the Open Panel sessions are welcomed, please email to enquiries@bsif.co.uk 

To book your attendance please contact Fit2Fit/BSIF on 01442 248744 or enquiries@bsif.co.uk Registration fee £30 + VAT. 

09:30 - Registration

10.00 - Welcome and Introductions

Alan Murray, CEO, BSIF and President of ESF David Crouch, Chair, ISRP European Section

10.15 - Sessions:

Respiratory hazards - Pat Kelly, Policy Advisor, HSE
Is it genuine? - Alan Murray, CEO BSIF & President ESF
Hygiene and transmission of infection during RPE fit testing - Paul Salisbury, Technical Committee Member, Fit2Fit

Open Panel Discussion Session 1

Lunch and exhibition of RPE and fit testing products

Afternoon Sessions:

Respiratory health in construction - Clive Johnson, Health & Safety Lead, Duchy of Lancaster Work of the Fit2Fit Technical Committee and Fit2Fit Assessments - Mike Clayton, Lead Assessor, Fit2Fit
Human errors in qualitative fit testing - Dr Karen Long, International Director, ISRP and Technical Committee Member, Fit2Fit
Update on RPE and fit testing standards - Nick Baxter, Chair BSI PH/4 Respiratory Protection Committee

Open Panel Discussion Session 2

16.20 - Closing summary

Alan Murray, CEO, BSIF and President of ESF David Crouch, Chair, ISRP European Section

Registration fee £30 + VAT.​ To register for this event or for more details on securing an exhibition pass, please email enquiries@bsif.co.uk

For more information, visit www.bsif.co.uk
