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Thought leaders join virtual forum

22 April 2020

EXPERTS FROM SHE Software will be joined by guests on a Virtual Health and Safety Forum, taking place on the 23 April 2020.

The forum will offer an insight on maintaining health and safety performance whilst working virtually and how to continuously improve best practice when 'normal' working resumes.

Matthew Elson, Julian Taylor and Chris Beaumont from SHE Software, will be joined by Dawn Hemmings, director of Unique Health and Safety Consultancy and Andrew Ward, MD of health, safety and sustainability at Make UK.

The agenda is as follows: 

10:00-10:20 Raising the Bar. When Good Isn't Good Enough

Chris Beaumont, SHE Software

10:30-11:00 Improving EHS management through a crisis: The data behind the success

Matthew Elson, SHE Software

11:10-11:40 Futureproofing your business in the online virtual classroom

Andrew Ward, MakeUK

11:50-12:35 Establishing a world-class health and safety program

Julian Taylor, SHE Software

12:45-13:30 Looking beyond COVID-19: Managing your workforce mental health

Dawn Hemmings, Unique Health and Safety Consultancy Ltd

Register to access the entire event or join those sessions you are most interested in. 

You can register here: https://info.shesoftware.com/uk-virtual-forum-0420#register-form
