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BSIF provides supply chain update

25 March 2020

PPE Supply. Last week, the BSIF wrote a short update on the work that the Federation had been involved in, along with information on amendments to EU Regulations and the support work we had been doing during the COVID 19 crisis.

BSIF chief executive Alan Murray wrote to members: 'The BSIF have been working ever closer with the UK authorities on initiatives to get PPE where it is needed most. Some of your fellow members are of course already engaged directly with government procurement initiatives.

With the latest actions from HM Government I thought that it would be timely to remind ourselves that the NHS should be a clear priority in supply of PPE. Of course, there are also critical industries that need to keep going to ensure our vital services function. This was never clearer, than the situation last week, where a ventilator factory was facing a halt in production due to a lack of RPE.
Fortunately that immediate problem was averted after the BSIF member distributing to the ventilator plant was able to get an emergency supply of RPE form a BSIF manufacturer. 

All your efforts in the supply chain are valued and fully appreciated.

Stocks at users. It is worth considering that there will be industrial and catering customers of yours who are closed at the moment, but who will have stocks of RPE, Gloves, Eyewear and Limited life Clothing on the shelves and not being used. Could you consider if there are opportunities to get these products back into circulation and out where they are needed most.

GPs. GP Surgeries sit within the normal NHS logistics framework but many order products directly from suppliers. Perhaps there is the opportunity for prioritisation and priority codes for online sales to them.

Face Fitting of RPE. The demand for face fitting at the moment is high and the HSE have published come new guidance to help front line face fitters avoid transmission of the virus. This is the link should you wish to see it. 

The country is a very different place from 2 months ago. The BSIF membership is doing a fantastic job please keep it up and “Stay Safe”.' 
