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Appointed to boost overseas sales

23 May 2019

A company that designs and manufacturers anti-crush and anti-entrapment systems for the materials handling industry has announced a key appointment.

Business growth expert Tony Webster has joined Weston Handling Consultancy, with a brief to increase overseas sales and to build a network of global distributors.

The firm, headed by entrepreneur Steve Weston and based in Rossendale, Lancashire, is best-known for its range of retro-fitted safety systems, namely its ACKBelt, for forklift and powered pedestrian trucks.

It has now added a new safety mechanism for Access Platforms to its range – the A-R-C-Angel, which protects the operator from both entrapment and crush injuries whilst the vehicle is reversing and/or the platform is being raised.

Weston said: “Tony’s appointment is a key one for Weston Handling Consultancy, and he joins us at a pivotal time for the company.

“When it comes to business growth, Tony has a wealth of experience in this arena, and he will be using his skills – and connections – to grow our sales nationally and internationally, and develop a network of distributors across the USA.

“Tony shares our passion for our A-R-C-Angel and ACKBelt safety devices. They are ground breaking, and the beauty of them is that they can be retro-fitted to any number of different appliances.

“Having Tony on board means I can concentrate on enhancing our existing products, overseeing production and developing new innovations to help protect those operating mobile platforms and materials handling machinery.”

Tony Webster, an IoD (Institute of Directors) Ambassador, said: “I’m very much looking forward to my new role with Weston Handling Consultancy and filling the order books here and abroad.”

Further information at: https://whcltd.com/
