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Level 3 manual handling trainers

09 August 2018

MANUAL HANDLING is one of the most common causes of injury at work and causes over a third of all workplace injuries. But these injuries can be prevented by making sure your organisation is equipped with the right knowledge and skills.

RoSPA’s accredited Level 3 Award - Manual Handling Trainers Course has been designed with the aim of developing a confident, motivated and professionally qualified manual handling trainer.

The course will equip the trainer with the knowledge and skills to deliver bespoke and effective manual handling techniques relevant to others within their organisation, creating a healthier workforce, reduce instances of MSDs, and help meet legislative requirements and current best practice.

The course adopts a blended learning approach which combines face-to-face instruction with self-directed e-learning to deliver improved costs and educational benefits that’s ideal for managers, supervisors, instructors, training officers and safety professionals who have a responsibility for training others.

If you want to learn more about our Manual Handling Trainers course you can visit our website where you’ll find a wealth of information including our 10 Tips for Manual Handling infographic - which is available free to download - to help you get off to the right start.

T: +44 (0) 121 248 2233
E: enquiries@rospa.com
W: www.rospa.com/safety-training/work/manual-handling/trainers/ 
