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Association news

15 January 2018

The BSIF is pleased to announce that it has launched the Registered Safety Supplier Scheme (RSSS) Website.

The website – www.registeredsafetysupplierscheme.co.uk – is designed to help end users source products from reputable businesses who have signed up to the scheme in order to show their commitment to providing consumers with the highest levels of service and product quality. The scheme is committed to removing the influx of non-compliant, fake and illegal products that can be found within the supply chain of non RSSS members. All RSSS members are audited to make sure their products are up to standard and do the job they were designed to do.

The new website has some easy to use, beneficial features such as the supplier search function. This allows someone looking to purchase safety equipment to put in their location in the UK and search within a specified radius for safety suppliers. The website will then generate a list of the suppliers in the locality and show these on the interactive map with full contact details and links to their websites…its never been so easy to source compliant product!

The website also allows purchasers of safety equipment to sign up as a ‘Supporter’ of the scheme. This enables them to have a login to the members area where they will find useful downloads, news articles and industry updates all free to use. By signing up to the scheme as a supporter, the purchaser is making a statement that they conform to best practice and have the safety of their workforce at the forefront of their business mindset. As an added benefit, supporters can have their company logo added to the website to show that they recognise the importance of the RSSS and to show to others they are committed to safety.
