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Safety Awards applications open

23 January 2013

DuPont Sustainable Solutions is calling for applications for the 10th DuPont Safety Awards, with the purpose of stimulating innovative safety initiatives in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The 2011 DuPont Safety A

DuPont Sustainable Solutions is calling for applications for the 10th DuPont Safety Awards, with the purpose of stimulating innovative safety initiatives in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The 2011 DuPont Safety Awards will take place in Istanbul at the XIX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in September this year and will be judged by a jury drawn from a range of respected European occupational health and safety organisations. An application form including a brief abstract of the project should be submitted by 31st May 2011, while complete entries must be received by 20th June 2011.

The annual DuPont Safety Awards welcomes entries from all companies, individuals or organisations that can demonstrate significant safety achievements in one or more of the following five categories: Sustainable Business Impact, Cultural Evolution, Visible Management Commitment, Innovative Approach and Performance Improvement.

Since it was launched in 2002, the competition has attracted a growing number of applicants especially in the last four years with 2010 entries up nearly 40% on the 2006 event. Last year's entries came from a wide number of industry sectors all over Europe, ranging from Germany to the UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Hungary and Romania, and also included applications from South Africa, India and Saudi Arabia.

Further details, as well as the application, can be obtained by emailing info@nexdor.ch.