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Worker crippled inside machine

30 July 2019

AN ENGINEERING firm has been fined after a worker suffered severe crush injuries while working on a mould making machine.

Northampton Magistrates Court heard how an RSM Castings Ltd employee was injured after attempting to light the burners on a moulding machine at their Northampton plant on 11 April 2018.

While the employee leant into the machine the pattern plate closed on his head and upper body.

The worker, who has asked not be named, suffered extensive injuries, including a broken neck, back fractures, broken ribs, a fractured shoulder blade, a ruptured spleen, torn liver, a punctured lung, facial fractures and loss of teeth. He remains unable to return to work as a result of his injuries.

A subsequent investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found there was inadequate safeguarding to prevent access between the closing pattern parts of the moulding machine.

RSM Castings Limited of Round Spinney Estate North, Portway Close, Round Spinney Northampton, pleaded guilty to breaching Section 11 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and had been fined £32,000 and ordered to pay costs of £1739.70.

After the hearing HSE Inspector Neil Ward commented: “This case highlights the importance of foundries checking guarding on their machines and not to be complacent about machinery safety. In this case RSM Castings failed to ensure that the machine was guarded to the correct standard and it could have easily resulted in a fatal injury.”
