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Make hearing protection an everyday habit

12 September 2022

MINUENDO IS a hearing technology company focused on preventing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss through solutions that people like to wear both in and outside of work.

In response to escalating cases of hearing loss, increasingly frustrated feedback from Safety Managers struggling with unfiltered information overload, and employees trying to comply with safety procedures but experiencing poor fit, discomfort and subsequently finding themselves under protected or in over protected disconnected situations, the team at Minuendo developed Smart Alert.

This new technology encourages positive safety practices by engaging employees personally, supporting them in taking proactive steps to protect their hearing whilst at work. Simultaneously capturing an accurate record of each individual’s noise exposure over a working period, meaning easily actionable information that can trigger positive changes in behaviour, or highlight those in most need of support from safety managers. 

Smart Alert automates the process of hearing loss prevention through consideration of the human needs, be that of the employee, safety manager or employer.

Comfort and Convenience – physical discomfort or inconvenience experienced by wearers of traditional earmuffs and earplugs is remedied by adopting design advances from the professional music sector. Smart Alert earplugs are extremely small and lightweight, offering noise attenuation without compromising the wearer’s situational awareness. 

Real-time Connectivity – ubiquitous connectivity makes it possible to collate, analyse, interpret and transmit massive amounts of data in real-time. Thus, the ergonomic and lightweight neck band connected to the lossless ear plugs, warns employees at the point of danger to reduce their noise exposure, and in the office relays data, once the neck band is docked, that enables the safety manager to easily identify those people most in need of focused support

For the first time, employees and employers can take responsibility in real-time!

In 2021 the HSE reported 14,000 new cases of work-related hearing loss, for 2022 a similar figure is likely to be very conservative. Within an occupational setting NIHL can limit an individual’s ability to communicate with others, leading to increased social stress, sadness, diminished confidence, poor self-identity, and adversely impact interpersonal relationships. Outside of the work environment it has disastrous effects on family wellbeing. Research also suggests it leads to an increased risk of dementia, and a long-term financial burden on the already stretched health service.

Current safety practices are letting employees and employers down, the rising costs of hearing loss programmes is proving that. 

Adopting Smart Alert ear plugs and information technology into hearing safety programmes means that the employee and employer share the responsibility of hearing protection, and work in partnership to help build a happy hearing future.
