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HSM Webinar - The aftermath of an accident - Legal lessons learned

09 November 2022

HEALTH AND Safety Matters (HSM) is partnering with law firm DAC Beachcroft to deliver a two-hour webinar on the legal lessons that need to be learned in the aftermath of an accident.

This interactive webinar will be delivered by Mat Breakell who is a Partner at DAC Beachcroft and will allow plenty of time for delegates to pose legal questions to Mat. It will take place at 9:30am-11:30am on 15 December 2022.

After an accident there is a tendency to get caught up in internal investigations and responding to regulators, however, it is the response to the incident that is often picked apart at a later stage, and often in Court. 

This webinar will explore the importance of getting the response to an accident right, when to consider an accident investigation, and how the response and documents created in the immediate aftermath of an incident are frequently used against organisations in a prosecution. 

From perception of emergency services, to opinion led witness evidence, our speaker will cover how the Courts and Regulator’s deal the lessons we have seen our clients learn and the perils of getting it wrong.

All attendees will receive a CPD certificate and tickets to attend the webinar cost £99+VAT. 

You can register to attend at https://tinyurl.com/4fx9hmnj
