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HSM is media partner for The She Show NE

05 February 2020

HEALTH & SAFETY Matters are delighted to announce becoming the media partner of The SHE Show North East, 3rd March, Newcastle United, St James’ Park … It’s all about People, Behaviour & Culture Change. As a partner we have a limited number of complimentary places (Normally £249 + vat)

If as a senior SHE professional you’re looking at fresh and innovative ways of thinking then The SHE Show North East will be right up your street!

When people see and hear anything a lot it can become invisible or inaudible. Wake them up and reconnect with them by coming at things in odd and downright weird ways. Think about the way adverts will use very odd imagery and straplines to change the way you view a product. Try to do the same. It moves things into a different part of the brain and so ‘lands’ differently. You’ll be surprised how much difference it can make.”  Nigel Girling will present his other 7 Tips on how to enhance the way you’re perceived.

The Conference is packed from start to finish with speakers who are captivating and thought provoking.

The first part of the day is all about mental health and overcoming adversity. Here’s a very short video extract of Colonel Andy Reid’s extremely powerful life story presentation which starts the day off https://youtu.be/8SzMwzEO4XY

Following the exhibition viewing mid-morning we go onto Part 2, turning ambition into achievement Chasing the dream and The Big Challenge.

After lunch we kick off with inspirational leadershipwhat can Shakespeare and Planet of the apes teach us about real engagement

The last presentation …post incident internal inquiries – comfort or cudgel. Mark Scoggins will
captivate the audience with lots of hints and tips of what to do and not do!

You can view the conference programme here

If you are interested in attending the event, please apply quickly as we only have a limited number of complimentary places available.

Click here to apply for a complimentary delegate ticket (worth £249 + vat)

Finally should you have any queries or have a product or service you’d like to promote at The SHE Show North East please contact the event organiser jeanette@washingtondowling.com 01257 450060

The best H&S event by a mile, world class speakers and just the right amount of exhibitors to engage with in a relaxed and friendly environment”, says Duncan Aspin, Head of SHEQ Volkerstevin.

