Home>Slips, Trips & Falls>Fall Prevention>Charity reminds workers to stay safe
Home>Slips, Trips & Falls>Fall Protection>Charity reminds workers to stay safe

Charity reminds workers to stay safe

22 July 2020

AS LOCKDOWN eases and people begin returning to work, the No Falls Foundation is urging workers to ‘Be Safe, Don’t Fall, Stay Alive!’

Dedicated to preventing falls from height and helping people affected by the life-changing consequences of a fall, the charity is keen to ensure that height safety remains a priority despite the understandable pressures to kick-start the economy. 

Comments chair of the trustees, Peter Bennett OBE: “Falls from height are the single biggest cause of workplace deaths and one of the main causes of major injuries. It’s therefore imperative that safety is not compromised for the sake of productivity.”

“We have witnessed unprecedented collaboration and mobilisation of all the stakeholders in industry – government, regulators, employers, trade associations, trade unions and employees – to fundamentally change  behaviours to try and ensure that COVID-19 does not wreak devastation in the workplace.”
“Moving forward, we need to harness and build upon that collaboration and sense of common cause, and apply it to that commonplace, often unnoticed danger – working at height.”

The Foundation, which has three objectives – raising awareness of the risks associated with working at height, researching the causes of falls and providing advice and support to those affected by a fall – is also asking anyone who has suffered a fall and experienced its consequences to get in touch. 

Explains charity manager, Hannah Williams, “We’re looking for people to share their personal stories in a series of case studies on the Foundation’s website – anonymously if necessary – for the benefit of others. If anyone would like to contribute to the work of the charity and help save lives by stopping falls, we would be delighted to hear from them.”

The charity is also about to publish the first issue of Saving Lives, an occasional e-newsletter for anyone involved – directly or indirectly – in the work at height sector. To sign up visit nofallsfoundation.org.

Finally, the Annual Charity Ball – postponed for this year because of the pandemic – will now take place on Saturday, 30 October 2021 at the Coombe Abbey Hotel, Warwickshire. 
