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Lanes Group appoints new HSE manager

02 July 2015

Lanes Group has appointed Paul McParland as its new health, safety and environment manager to build on the company's record and take standards to the next level.

Paul joins the specialist drainage and maintenance solutions provider from Veolia Environmental Services, where he was a divisional health, safety, environment and quality manager.

Lanes Group operations director Allan Wallis said: "Paul brings to Lanes a wealth of experience and expertise, and will help us take our already strong performance on health and safety to the next level.

"Standing still is not an option in health, safety and environmental management. They are priorities in our industry, and we are determined to set the highest standards.

"We will be looking to Paul to lead our process of continuously improving our strategy and systems for keeping our staff, clients, and the wider public, healthy and safe, and managing our environmental impact while we are carrying out our work."

Paul, who is a chartered member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, will be responsible for leading on health and safety across Lanes Group's 18 regional operational depots.

He joined just as Lanes Group has achieved its sixth successive RoSPA Gold Award for occupational health and safety, which means the company qualifies for a RoSPA Gold Medal for the second year.

Paul said: "Excellence in health and safety has to be the priority for everyone in the company. It is a team effort, which is why I am looking forward to working closely with everyone in Lanes across the UK.

"Just before I arrived, the company took the sensible decision to invest in an integrated health, safety and environmental software management system, called SHE, which is already realising benefits.

"I will be embedding this system, reviewing and supporting training, encouraging involvement of all staff in health, safety and environmental decision-making, and ensuring Lanes is compliant with new legislation, such as the new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

"Our aim must be to work continuously to embed excellence in health, safety and the environment into our culture at all levels, from the boardroom to the point of works in the field, and I will support this process all the way."

Lanes Group's Utilities Division has been named as a finalist in the Construction News Awards 2015 for Health and Safety Initiative. The division won the same award in 2013, and a Construction News Specialists Award for Health and Safety in 2014.
