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BSIF in action: Protective Glove and Clothing Product Group

16 March 2015

As the name indicates, this BSIF Product Group encompasses a broad range of products which offer head to toe protection for a very varied set of hazards and applications.

The BSIF Protective Glove and Clothing Group nominates a number of its members to the relevant BSI product standards drafting committees and, through BSI, our members also have the opportunity to join equivalent CEN (European standards) and ISO (global standards) committees.

These are the routes to promote and defend industry and customer interests to our national standards body and also promote the interests of ‘UK Plc’ to the European and global committees.

During 2014 this Group has been very active and has nominated further new members to BSI. Through BSI’s committees, BSIF members are now participating in every glove and clothing CEN working group and technical group and the Group successfully lobbied BSI to re-instigate meetings of another BSI committee on gloves which had not met for several years.

This enables regular reporting of the progress of standards work to the rest of the Group, who can discuss and formulate any proposals, concerns and positions which are then taken directly back to the national or international committee.

The continued member participation in this BSIF Group is reflected in the number of new glove and clothing standards that are currently being developed, alongside the scheduled review and potential revision of the existing standards. This makes for a demanding work programme, and members of the BSIF Protective Glove and Clothing Group are prominent in this work. The Group also continues to enjoy an active working relationship with attendees from the Health and Safety Executive to liaise on issues and requirements within our home market.
