Home >Start living: Stop stressing is the message of National Stress Awareness Day

Start living: Stop stressing is the message of National Stress Awareness Day

23 January 2013

National Stress Awareness Day (NSAD) is being held this year on Wednesday 3rd November 2010 and will encourage people to “Start Living – Stop Stressing”...

National Stress Awareness Day (NSAD) is being held this year on Wednesday 3rd November 2010 and will encourage people to “Start Living - Stop Stressing”. Annually organised by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA)1, NSAD is in its 12th year of increasing public awareness and drawing attention to the issue of stress. This year specially trained stress advisors will be available to public, private and voluntary organisations throughout the UK providing free stress workshops and stress prevention techniques.

Stress levels have doubled in the last four years and only recently have companies begun to address this issue. ISMA and the Health and Safety Executive define stress as “The adverse reaction people have to too much pressure”. NSAD was created to increase awareness of stress and the health problems that result from it, and most importantly to help and inform individuals who may be experiencing stress to seek guidance.

In a further attempt to reach individuals and provide them with advice, ISMA is hosting two live webcasts for those unable to attend an advisor or event. The topics will be: Stress in Management and Business and How to Manage Stress in your Private Life and will be accessible anywhere where there is a phone and computer available.

See www.nationalstressawarenessday.co.uk for more information.