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Invest in yourself in 2022

05 January 2022

IF YOU are looking to progress your career in health and safety this year, take the first step now and become a member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health – or IOSH for short.

Membership will help you flourish in the job you have today and secure the career you want tomorrow. 

Here’s why.

IOSH is the largest professional organisation – and only chartered body – for global workplace safety, health and wellbeing. Membership gives you credibility and international recognition. IOSH post-nominals instantly showcase your competence and commitment - assuring employers, recruiters, clients and peers that you’re dedicated to being the best you can be. 

To help you achieve your goals, we will give you all the support and guidance you need, and our products and services – including qualifications and specialist sector courses – progress with you as you build your career and move through our member grades. 

In addition to specialist content, we will keep you up to date with the latest safety and health news and developments, and help you upskill through our range of member benefits. These include:

  • Technical advice and expertise via online tools, resources and our helpline 
  • A subscription to award-winning IOSH Magazine and IOSHmagazine.com
  • Networking opportunities with our wider global community of more than 48,000 members
  • Our Future Leaders Community, providing content tailored to students and early careerists
  • Our IOSH Mentoring scheme which provides a safe, secure online platform for OSH professionals to connect and learn from each other.
  • A wide range of webinars and events
  • Our CPD programme to support your development.
  • Employability support via our Career Hub and jobs site, IOSHjobs.com.

What’s more, you’ll be joining us at a time when the OSH profession has never been more valued – which is what our members told us in our 2021 survey.

So, we can confidently say that joining IOSH is a resolution you’ll want to keep year after year.

Join today at iosh.com/resolutions
